Clemson Tigers Battle Cry


Clemson Tigers Battle Cry

Roaring through the orange haze,

Clemson Tigers, set ablaze!

In orange and purple, our banners high,

A legacy fierce, we'll never deny!

From the hills of Clemson, our fortress strong,

A dynasty crafted, a victory song.

Tigers bold, with hearts untamed,

In Death Valley, our might is proclaimed!

In the roar of the crowd, the spirit awakes,

A bond unbreakable, whatever it takes.

With Paw the Tiger, our noble guide,

We charge ahead, side by side.

Through battles fought, and triumphs won,

The Clemson spirit, forever we've spun.

In orange we blaze, like the setting sun,

Clemson Tigers, our journey's just begun!

So let our voices echo far and wide,

In unity and pride, we stride.

With passion aflame, and dreams held tight,

Clemson Tigers, we'll conquer the fight!

On the gridiron, we fiercely compete,

A legacy grand, no challenge too steep.

In orange and purple, forever we'll be,

Clemson Tigers, forever wild and free!

Clemson TIgers Merch

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