Arkansas State Red Wolves Battle Cry


Arkansas State Red Wolves Battle Cry

In the heartland of Arkansas, where Red Wolves prowl,

The battle cry of the pack, fierce and howl.

With scarlet and black, our colors fierce,

We stand as Red Wolves, with courage that pierce.

Our mascot, Howl, a symbol of strength,

With fiery eyes and a spirit of great length.

Through the fields we stride, united as one,

In Arkansas' name, our story's just begun.

From pioneers to legends, our history untold,

Through victories celebrated, stories unfold.

From the gridiron's clash to the field's embrace,

Red Wolves leave their mark, with tenacious grace.

With resilience and spirit, we forge our way,

The Red Wolves' hunger, never to sway.

Through conference battles, we fiercely fight,

We embody the spirit that ignites.

So let our battle cry echo far and wide,

Arkansas State Red Wolves, with unwavering pride.

In scarlet and black, we claim the night,

Unified as a pack, our future burning bright.

In the heart of Arkansas, our spirits rise,

Red Wolves forever, under the starlit skies.

Through triumph and challenge, we prevail,

Arkansas State Red Wolves, a relentless trail!

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