How Did USC Trojans Get Their Name?

How Did USC Trojans Get Their Name?

How Did USC Trojans Get Their Name?

The USC Trojans, representing the University of Southern California, have a name that evokes images of ancient warriors and epic battles. But what's the story behind this legendary name? Let's delve into the history.

The Trojan Connection

The name "Trojans" was adopted to symbolize the fighting spirit, courage, and tenacity that the university aims to instill in its students and athletes. The name is inspired by the ancient Trojans, who were known for their bravery and resilience in the face of adversity.

The Mascot: Tommy Trojan

The team's mascot, Tommy Trojan, serves as a symbol of the university's spirit and pride. Dressed in a suit of armor and wielding a sword, Tommy Trojan embodies the qualities of a true warrior.

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