How Did LSU Tigers Get Their Name?

How Did LSU Tigers Get Their Name?

How Did LSU Tigers Get Their Name?

The Civil War Connection

The name "LSU Tigers" traces its roots back to a Civil War regiment known as the Louisiana Tigers. This regiment was renowned for its fighting spirit, particularly in the battle of the Shenandoah Valley. According to LSU football tradition, they 'fought like tigers,' earning them their fierce reputation.

Before the Civil War

Interestingly, the nickname "Tigers" was commonly used by Louisiana military outfits even before the Civil War. As far back as 1845, during the Mexican War, four different volunteer units from Louisiana used the nickname "Tigers."

The Athletic Angle

LSU's football team first adopted the nickname "Tigers" in 1896, during its fourth season. That year, the team went 6-0 and outscored their opponents 136-4. The name was a natural fit, given the team's ferocious performance and the state's military history.

Why Not an Asian Jungle Cat?

If you've ever wondered why LSU, a school in Louisiana, would name its teams after an Asian jungle cat, you're not alone. However, the name actually pays homage to a Civil War fighting battalion, making it a significant part of Louisiana's history.

LSU Tigers Merch and Gifts

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