Fresno State Bulldogs Battle Cry


Fresno State Bulldogs Battle Cry

Amidst the Fresno fields, a battle cry,

Fresno State Bulldogs, reaching the sky!

In red and blue, our colors true,

A tenacious spirit, our strength renewed!

From the San Joaquin, our pride will rise,

Bulldogs united, with determined eyes.

With courage fierce, we face every test,

In Bulldog Stadium, we'll give our best!

With Victor E. Bulldog II, our loyal guide,

We charge ahead, with unwavering stride.

Through triumph and glory, we'll never yield,

Fresno State Bulldogs, forever sealed!

So let our voices echo, loud and clear,

In red and blue, united we cheer.

With passion ablaze, our dreams take flight,

Fresno State Bulldogs, shining in the light!

In the realm of champions, we carve our name,

With perseverance and heart, we'll claim our fame.

In red and blue, forever we'll be,

Fresno State Bulldogs, proud and free!

Amidst the Fresno sun, our spirit's high,

Fresno State Bulldogs, forever we fly!

In red and blue, our legacy strong,

A fierce determination, to which we belong!

From the Valley's heart, we'll stand tall,

With Bulldogs' might, we'll conquer all.

Fresno State Bulldogs, a relentless force,

Through battles fought, we stay the course!

So let our voices rise, resounding and clear,

In red and blue, our victory near.

With passion aflame, our dreams ignite,

Fresno State Bulldogs, shining with might!

In the realm of triumph, we leave our mark,

With resilience and pride, we embark.

In red and blue, forever we'll be,

Fresno State Bulldogs, soaring wild and free!

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